
hi, i’m tami

baker, vocalist, cinephile, and cat fanatic

welcome to my blog, a compilation of all of my favorite treats- and more!



My best friend’s birthday was last week. We’ve been in a civil union on Facebook for... many years. People don’t even know what that is. It means that we made a pact that if neither of us settle down by the time we’re 40, we’re going to get married. But let’s go back a bit.

This recipe is the reason Nick and I met ten years ago. I know! It’s crazy. Maybe we would’ve become friends eventually, but one afternoon sealed the deal. Nick and I were both music majors at Fredonia State. I know we had seen each other at school and parties, but this is my first real memory of us spending time together. Over food, what else?

Nick and another friend of his accosted me one day as I was heading out of the building. It was the day after the Super Bowl and the two of them convinced me to go to Denny’s with them. “They’re giving away free Grand Slams today!” they told me. Breakfast chains have never been my style, but as a second semester transfer student, I was up to new adventures with new people. I decided to tag along.

As we approached the place, we saw a line that wrapped around the building. We pondered what to do: should we just wait it out? Maybe the line will move quickly? Being the domesticated young person I was, and probably wanting to score brownie points, I invited Nick and Brittany over to my apartment. “I’ll just make us pancakes instead. It’ll be way easier.” They were all, “Are you sure? You don’t have to do that.” But I insisted. Next thing we knew, I was back at my apartment whipping up a batch of pancakes for two people I didn’t really know. Nick discovered my DVD collection and we fan-girled over a certain 2003 Jeremy Sumpter a la Peter Pan (I saw it in theatres three times- I had a problem) and the rest is history, as they say.

Nick and I lived together our last year of college. Whenever I made a batch of ‘tamcakes’, as my pancake recipe came to be named, they were enjoyed by all. These are fluffy, light, but still substantial, and are so much better than any box mix. The batter is rather thick, so don’t be alarmed. And always remember, “Don’t pet the pancakes”- a post-it note that hung above our stovetop. Nick was notorious for fussing with the pancakes as they were cooking. You need to trust: no poking or prodding! They’ll do all the work for you.


yield: eight 4” pancakes (comfortably feeds 2)

1 ¼ cups (150 g) flour
2 Tb. (25 g) sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. kosher salt
1 cup (227 g) milk
1 egg
1 Tb. cooking oil (I use canola)
extra oil or butter for greasing skillet/pan

Notes: You can easily double this recipe. Mom always used to serve-as-she-cooked, so each of us would just eat another pancake once it was ready. If you want, place a sheet pan in the oven set to 200 degrees to store your cooked pancakes until it is time to serve. This way, they’ll all stay warm together.

I’ve subbed 1/4 cup of the AP flour for oat flour in the past and it’s rather nice. Adds a little texture and hearty flavor.

Stir together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Combine milk, egg and oil in a separate small bowl or liquid measuring cup, being sure to really break up the egg. Add all at once to the dry mixture, stirring until blended but still slightly lumpy. This is really important for pancakes- do not overmix the batter. If there are some small lumps of flour, you’re doing it right. Pour ¼ cup of batter onto a hot, lightly greased griddle or heavy skillet. You may need to adjust the heat as you go- I cook with cast iron and the highest I set my burner to is 2, and adjust as needed. If you are using a pan that doesn’t conduct heat as quickly as cast iron, you may need to cook at closer to medium-low. You’ll find the sweet spot as you go. Cook until golden brown, flipping to cook the other side when pancake has a bubbly surface and slightly dry edges. Cook for a few more minutes, until the center of the pancake has a little give to it and the underside is golden brown. Remove from the pan. Repeat until you are out of batter. Serve warm with maple syrup (the real kind).

one bowl chocolate yogurt cake

one bowl chocolate yogurt cake

brown butter banana oat cakes

brown butter banana oat cakes